By now, you should be aware of the upcoming CDE implementation requirements. Today, we want to discuss CDE Implementation compliance, when services are provided by contracted agencies, schools, or individuals. The new CDE requirement that all promised IEP minutes be recorded and reported, will also extend to those contracted service providers.
The challenge comes, when many contracted agencies currently provide limited documentation and in many cases invoices, as supporting documentation. Over the years, the LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option Program has improved the level of service documentation, but to comply with CDE, we will need to take additional steps.
LEAs will need to begin requesting that contracted providers detail service minutes to the associated promised CALPADS code. For example, contracted speech therapists, providing promised 415- Speech & Language services, will need to detail time spent satisfying the promised services. Additionally, documenting when services we re not provided, but service minutes are satisfied. An example may be when a student is absent from a scheduled service.
Here is a quick list of how service information should be provided by your contracted service providers:
- Student Name
- Date of Birth
- Student ID or SSID
- Date of Service
- CALPADS Code provided (I.e. 415, 410, etc.), also note if:
- Individual
- Group
- Consult or other non therapy task that satisfies the CALPADS Code
- Number of minutes satisfied
- Provider full name
- Days and minutes student was absent, but minutes are to be counted as “satisfied”
Q. Can our contracted provider lump minutes together when submitting documentation or invoices?
A. No. Many services are schedule daily, weekly, or monthly and documentation will need to show that plan implementation was successful. Additionally, for purposes of Medi-Cal billing, service minutes must be broken out by session, date, and provider.
Q. Can our contracted agencies use Practi-Cal’s online documentation system to record services?
A. Absolutely. We already have contracted providers using our online system SpEdCare to document services.
Q. If our contracted agency uses SpEdCare, do they also have to add session detail to their invoices?
A. No. The service records in SpEdCare will serve as documentation for purposes of CDE implementation and Medi-Cal billing.
Q. Can Practi-Cal enter CDE Implementation documentation, if paper logs are provided?
A. If it is covered by our service agreement, Practi-Cal already enters paper records for contracted service providers that your LEA intends seek reimbursement from Medi-Cal. If requested, Practi-Cal can enter paper claims for non-Medi-Cal billing staff (contracted or employed) for an hourly fee. If you need more information about this, please contact your assigned Practi-Cal consultant.