We have seen it far too often. News articles about LEA’s having to settle with parents, when promised services are not delivered in accordance with the student special education plan. We all know that the IEP is a legal document and services, support and resources must be provided in accordance with the plan. With current staffing shortages and/or overseeing contracted agencies, it can be difficult to manage plan compliance.
The first part of solving the problem is identifying service delivery issues. Practi-Cal is the first line of defense in protecting your LEA. Our software and support solutions track promised services and identifying gaps in service delivery. Our software analyzes all of your promised IDEA services and reports out missing services, right down to the day, week, month, or year services are missing.
Practi-Cal also protects your LEA from chasing services that were not delivered, but satisfied. Our software provides you with the most accurate monitoring available.
Taking it a step further, Practi-Cal offers the easiest and most compliant solution for recording service documentation. Remember, “If it is not written down, it did not happen.”. Session notes, emails, and phone conversations can be a valuable tool, when a parent has questions about their student’s planned services. This is why Practi-Cal has the most advance note library and service monitoring tools available.
Service providers appreciate the many options on managing their caseloads, recording services and session notes. Our note library saves providers time, by employing custom form elements to reduce the amount of typing. This leads to improved services documentation to protect your LEA.
FERPA or HIPAA violations will not be a concern, as Practi-Cal protects all data using the highest level of security options available.
Additionally, when participating in the LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option Program, the improvement in billing performance will more than cover the cost of this feature.